About DriverPa

Driverpa Driver app is the service provider (or simply the driver's app) of the combined (or integrated) Uber-like Taxi and Last-Mile delivery system. The "DriverPa Driver" service providers are drivers responsible for providing taxi, delivery and shipping services. The "DriverPa Driver" app have similar functionalities and features similar to driver's app of Uber taxi and Uber Eat from a multi-user perspective.

The DriverPa integrated platform which can be viewed as service point offering fast distribution of online and offline retail, and delivery services provides taxi and in particular delivery services of agro products at a low price-point while reducing food waste, emissions, and traffic congestion. An intelligent demand-supply toolset of algorithmic optimization models advance processes and control transport & logistics delivery, and eCommerce platforms to connect producers, logistics providers, and consumers.

Enable farmers, industry product manufacturers and processing companies and corresponding suppliers to sell their produce directly to consumers and participate in the EU and Africa "Product of my farm and industry" initiative to support rural areas.

Facilitate direct match-making, sales and fast distribution of in particular fresh agro products (in small or large quantities) and other consumers product by connecting producers, suppliers, logistics and service providers and consumers at a low cost.

Provide a route to market for small-scale farmers/farms (<5-10 ha), reduce marketing, operations and delivery costs by <40-100%, <50%, and <40%-50% respectively compared to current methods. Delivery drivers and sellers earn >80%-87.5% on each sale and/or delivery service.

Improve data integration on agricultural farmland for efficient and centralized data management, ensure 100% data ownership and security in compliance with EU data privacy regulations, and support reliable data rates to mobile equipment (>10MB/s) and autonomous data collection.

Eliminate the need for warehouse storage which saves costs significantly.